In this article we will explore Introduction vs. Force, a 5th-dimensional concept that can enable us to live in greater harmony with the quantum field ✨ We hope this supports you in unlocking your highest potential.
“Next to a translation, introduction vs. force is the most important thing you’ll lever learn” - Jason Estes
The quantum field is an all-you-can-eat buffet
Imagine being at an all-you-can-eat buffet and only eating peas
✨ You have all the resources in the world available to you… but you limit yourself to just one option
đź’ŞÂ How healthy would you be, nourishing your body with just one ingredient?
🤍 How happy would you be, experiencing just one of the infinite opportunities?
Some of us are just eating peas
✨ We depend on one person to feel happy, when there are infinite relationships to explore
✨ We depend on one job to bring us money, when there are infinite ways to generate value
✨We depend on one pill to make us healthy, when there are infinite ingredients that can heal us
Force is choosing from a limited number of options. Introduction is opening ourselves to the infinite resources of the universe, and letting our divinity select what we need in that moment
Examples of Introduction vs. Force
Forcing Opportunities
✨ Force: Getting upset when a specific thing doesn’t happen by a specific time (e.g. missing the bus, being passed up for a promotion, yearning for a romantic partner)
✨ Introduction: Allowing people, money and opportunities to flow in and out of our lives without resistance
Forcing Our Health
✨ Force is telling our body what to consume
✨ Introduction is letting our body tell US what to consume
The body knows how to heal itself. You cut yourself and the body heals — you don't have to do anything. There is some innate intelligence that does that conversion. Glen Rein
Force Is Easy
When you use a forceful approach, you get quicker results
✨ Taking a pill is easier than teaching our body how to heal itself
✨ Staying in a single job is easier than exploring new streams of income
✨ Staying in your circle is easier than meeting new people
But Force Is Problematic
When we force, we don’t learn.
✨ When we stay talk to the same people, we don't get exposed to the energies and ideas of new individuals
✨ When we stay in the same career path, we close ourselves off from other opportunities and other streams of income
✨ When we force a chemical into our body, our body becomes dependent on the external source; it forgets how to produce that chemical naturally
When we force, we can cause trauma
✨ When we force things, we pull resources from other areas
✨ When we force a relationship, we drain resources that could be shared with someone else
✨ When we force a food, our body pulls resources from other organs to help us process it
Introduction Is An Open Hand
✨Introduction opens us to the infinite resources of the universe, and it lets our divine intelligence select what we need in that moment
✨ When you do this, you don’t pull anything from yourself. You pull from the infinite resources of the quantum field.
“Your brain is the child and your divine intelligence is the adult in the relationship.” — Jason Estes
4 ways to practice introduction
✨ Replace “I have to” with “I get to.”
It’s very common to say “I have to go to work. I have to buy groceries. I have to meet with so-and-so.” By reframing that we get to work, we get to buy groceries, we get to meet with so-and-so, we move from an energy of force to an energy of infinite choice and gratitude.
✨ Cultivate your internal resources.
In addition to feeling the need to do things, we also feel the need to have things. We need a certain amount of money to feel safe, we need a certain relationship to feel loved. These are simply resources that we can receive from other sources — everything we need is inside us already.
✨ Release expectations.
Expectations are a form of force. When we expect things to happen by a certain time, when we expect people to behave a certain way, we are forcing things to be how we want them to be. Introduction means receiving things as they are.
✨ Listen to your body.
Rather than saying “peas are good, I should eat peas,” ask your body which resources it would like to receive; when it would like to receive them; how much it would like to receive. The world is an infinite buffet of resources, and our bodies can provide exactly what we need if we take the time to ask.
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