The Two Letters Practice
Explore and expand as you express yourself into truth and deeper letting go, with a Letting Go Letter (Letter You'll Never Send) and a Celebration Letter (Gratitude Letter) over the same topic.
This Two Letters practice is a powerful tool to help clear misunderstandings and attachments to a hard-to-accept topic and create a new, more expanded game.
Step 1: Choose a topic that you have trouble accepting.
You may write a list of topics and choose the one you most want to work on understanding and accepting.
Step 2: Write at the top of one page, “Letter I’ll Never Send.”
This is important. It directs the energy for the rest of the letter to be completely for your process, and not toward anyone or anything else. It also simultaneously creates a Safe Space in doing so.
Step 3: Once you have chosen one topic, write your first Unshared Expression Letter.
This Unshared Expression Letter should be addressed to your topic of choice: “Dear [Topic].” It is 100% about you expressing anything/everything that comes up. It is important that you do not share this letter with anyone.
Step 4: Once you feel there is no more left to say, you have completed this letter.
Feel free to write as many versions of this letter until you feel completely finished expressing the misunderstandings being held onto or attached to around this topic of your choice.
Step 5: Do NOT share the Unshared Expression Letter
This is for your eyes only. This is important.
Step 6: Refill Yourself with Light
Now it’s time to refill yourself with the light of your choosing from head to toe and to the tips of your fingers, filling in any and all spaces between.
This is to make sure YOU are the one re-filling the space you have emptied with information that supports you moving forward.
Step 7: Gather the Letters
Print the paper(s) if you are typing or gather your letter(s) if you are writing it by hand.
Step 8: Shredding time!
Mark an X through all of the pages and then place it in a shredder or fire if you have no access to a shredder. The X is your own acknowledgment of being complete with this process, and the shredder is your way of voiding out the “game” you have played with that topic.
Step 9: Celebrate!
You have created major steps forward in being in your ultimate power around the subject you chose!
Step 10: The New Game
Now it’s time for a “new game,” to replace the old one with. Write a letter that you
can share with others if you wish. This letter is called the “Letter of Gratitude.” This is the ONLY letter you will share with others (if you choose). This letter will be addressed to the same topic you worked on in the first letter.
Step 11: Gratitude
Let the gratitude and appreciation flow through you as you write to your topic. Why are you grateful for your topic?
Step 12: Celebration
Celebrate yourself for completing this practice!
Thank you for participating in the Two Letters practice. We invite you to revisit this as often as you'd like. 💜