Clear Source: Clean Your Home with Quantum Energy 🏡🤍✨
Most VST products are designed to bring quantum energy into our bodies — the Clear Source Rosewater Spray is one of the first technologies designed to bring quantum energy into the world around us.
A photo of Jason before and after spraying Clear Source. Now this could easily be the result of a slight change in camera angle … But the product IS designed to clean up the energy around us... so it is very possible that Clear Source allowed more light from the quantum field to shine through |
What’s Inside Clear Source Clearing Spray?
💧 Structured water — which can change the molecular structure of things around it
⚡ Source Oils — which bring amplified healing energy into the space around us
✨ M-States — which help to make natural light more available to our body
🌱 Source Seeds — which generate energy particles that amplify the elixir
When you mix all that together, what you get is a clear source connection, which just cleans up and brings everything back online.
“Today, the biggest issue is people being influenced by all these invisible signals that they don't even know about. When we clean that up and bring our source connection back online, anything is possible.” — Jason Estes
Potential Benefits of Clear Source
⚡ Clear harmful frequencies. Clear Source can zero out the EM frequencies, energies, and radiations that are invisibly influencing us in every moment.
🧠 Clear misunderstandings. We call it “quantum clean” because it can clean up other dimensions — misunderstandings from past experiences that we didn’t realize we were holding onto.
💤 Clear old energy. Every time you sleep, energy drips off you and into your bed. Clearing that out sets an intention for more relaxation and deeper sleep.
⏰ Clear the past. Jason likes to spray Clear Source at different points throughout the day to reset the day and reconnect with the clarity and translation of a clear source connection.
"After a bed session, the energy in the room can get pretty dense, so I wanted to create something to clear the space between bed sessions." - Jason Estes on why he created Clear Source
Fun Ways to Use the Clearing Spray
🏡 Create a Quantum Home
Bundle Clear Source, Source Oils, and Source Seeds to clean up and amplify the energy around you.
⚡ Become a Superconductor
Bundle Clear Source with Patches and M-States: The clearing spray invites clean energy, the patches invite more energy into your body, and M-States superconduct that new energy.
Happy Playing
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