Quantum Fields: Explained
In a recent blog, we explored how Einstein discovered quantum physics.
Today we’ll explore quantum fields: Our new understanding of how the world works.
Let’s begin!
What is the Universe Made of?
It turns out, the universe is not made of atoms.
It’s not made of protons or neutrons — not even quarks.
The universe is made of quantum fields.
What Are Quantum Fields?
Fields are the energy present in empty space.
The space between atoms, the space between magnets, the space between you and the wall in front of you…
All of this “space” is filled with universal energy.
The thing is, our human eyes can only see a small percentage of this energy.
How small? Approximately 0.0035% (NASA, 2022).
So when you look at the wonderful world around you… you are only seeing 0.0035% of the total energy there.
The remaining 99.9965% is energy that is invisible, but available to us.
And it turns out, this energy is pretty important…
Quantum Fields Create Matter
The most successful scientific theory of all time — The Standard Model — describes the world in terms of 8 quantum fields (the specific number is still debated):
🧱 3 matter fields, which produce the 3 components of an atom.
⚡ 4 force fields, which produce the 4 known forces in the universe.
⚖️ 1 Higgs field, which gives mass to all the other fields.
So in all empty space, there are 8 fields of energy interacting with one another. When these fields interact enough, they create an atom.
In other words: Every atom in the universe is the result of multiple quantum fields working together.
It sounds strange, but this is considered the most successful theory in all of science…
The Most Successful Theory of All Time
The 8 fields in The Standard Model are represented by the equation below.
This equation has given the correct answer to +100,000 experiments with multiple decimals of accuracy. It has been rigorously tested and confirmed over the past 50 years.
Essentially, by looking at the world in terms of fields (rather than particles), we have resolved some of the greatest puzzles in physics.
“It is, by any measure, the most successful scientific theory of all time.” — David Tong
However, there is still work to be done…
Note: The 4 matter fields behave identically, so they are represented by a single variable.
What’s Next?
The Standard Model is not perfect — it does not account for gravity, nor the existence of dark matter.
For this reason, scientists have proposed alternative Quantum Field Theories, **but still no theories are more complete than The Standard Model.
Despite these nuances, there is one thing we know for sure: The world around us is filled with invisible energy, and this energy has a significant influence on our visible world.
In this article on quantum biology, we explore the influence of this invisible energy on our wellbeing.
See you there 💜
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