🔬 As we know, everything is made of atoms
⚡ Atoms are held together through electromagnetic energy (think electrons)
💛 Since there are many atoms in our body, the atomic connections combine to produce a bioelectric field
⚡ This means that our cells communicate not only through chemicals in our nervous system, but also through the exchange of photons (light particles) and electrical signals as well. (source)
🧲 According to Stanford, a healthy bioelectrical field radiates at least 8ft from where we are standing at any moment.
“Virtually every single process which is keeping you alive can be traced back to an electric field that some component of your body is creating.” - Jack Fraser, Master's Physics, University of Oxford
Evidence of the Bioelectric Field
The term "energies" may raise suspicions for some… but our bodies’ electrical energy is directly quantifiable:
❤️ ECG scans, or electrocardiograms, measure the electrical activity in our hearts
🧠 EEG scans, or electroencephalograms, measure the electrical activity in our brains
Scientists not only know that our body produces electrical signals, but they look at the strength and speed of these signals to assess the state of our health.
The Modern World is Killing Our Bioelectric Fields
⚡ Since the Industrial Age, we've created all sorts of electrically charged things like power lines, cell towers, and WiFi
❗ All of these things — including the device you are using to read this newsletter — are weakening our biofield 24/7
We have polluted and destroyed this planet so strongly that, if you actually look at your bioelectrical field, unless you do an extreme amount of work or have like actually worked on translation… your field is f**** - Jason Estes
How to Restore Our Bioelectric Field
💭 You can start by recognizing that your bioelectric field may be weak, and may need support translating the energetic toxins in the atmosphere
⚡ Thankfully, there are tools and practices that can help you restore your personal bioelectric field
💛 Over time, you can train your field to hold a high voltage without any technologies or tools
Practices that Support the Bioelectric Field
According to Dr. Shamini Jain, some of the following practices have been statistically found to increase the voltage of our bioelectric field
🤍 QiGong is an ancient Chinese practice that combines breathing, movement, and visualization to increase the “Qi” (life force) in your body (source). We found a YouTube channel with a selection of QiGong practices for you to explore if you feel guided.
🌬️ Pranic breathing is a form of deep breathing designed that can invite pranic (life force) energy into our body. (source) Here’s a short, guided pranic breathing ceremony online if you feel called to explore this practice
👅 Bonus: placing your tongue on the roof of your mouth during breathing exercises can increase the flow of energy circulating through the body
Resources that Support the Bioelectric Field
💧 Hydration: Water conducts electricity, so drinking enough water—specifically structured water—can improve our electrical conductivity. (source)
💤 Sleep: Quality sleep helps to recharge our battery so that our electrical charge can be maintained. (source)
⚡ Electrolytes: Electrolytes are substances that conduct electricity when dissolved in water (source). Electrolytes include calcium, chloride, magnesium, phosphate, potassium, sodium, and bicarbonate (source). Our favorite electrolyte mix is LMNT.
Products that Support the Bioelectric Field
✨VST Patches are adhesive stickers charged with certain bio-antennas that support our bioelectric fields. In particular, The Serenity Patch helps to translate EMFs and limit the harmful effects they can have on our bodies
💫 The Personal Nexus Reality (PNR) is a translation technology that is attuned to your unique personal energy. It acts as a personal protective bubble to translate potentially harmful energy before it reaches your body.
⚡ M-States are edible powders designed to support the speed and strength of our bioelectric signals. To quote our friends at ZPtech, it’s like turning our body’s electrical systems from copper to fiber optics.
🛌 The Quantum Energy Wellness Bed (QEWB) is a titanium bed that emits 6 different measurable frequencies that help to restore our bioelectrical battery back to 99%, like it was before the Industrial Age.
Learn More
All the information in this blog was pulled from our weekly newsletter, where we share science-backed ways to enhance your body’s inner healing potential. Each newsletter can be read in less than 4 minutes, and you can subscribe using the link below 💜